Aspri Limni Tide
Aspri Limni Tide is a digitally controlled kinetic artwork that’s a data visualization of the real-time tide at Aspri Limni Beach. As the waves and depth of the tide change, so does the dynamic visualization of the piece. As one walks up to the artwork, their image is reflected back—the contrast of their image changes based on the current tide.
Interwoven Existence Two
Rocky Mountain Air
Rocky Mountain Air immerses the viewer to shed light upon the pervasive issue of air pollution. Using real-time data from Rocky Mountain National Park, the artwork’s visual elements grow or shrink, demonstrating the impact of human activity on our environment. As one approaches, the artwork will change to reflect their image, altered by the rising or falling levels of air quality. This interactivity allows Rocky Mountain Air to engage its audience, inspiring action towards environmental preservation.
Mississippi River Oxygen
Mississippi River Oxygen is a kinetic artwork that showcases the real-time data visualization of the oxygen levels in the iconic Mississippi waterway, which is lowering due to climate change. The artwork displays more or fewer bubbles, dynamically changing in size and quantity, depending on the current oxygen content in the water. In addition to the data visualization, when you approach the artwork, you see your reflection in the piece, making you part of the story and art. This interactive feature enhances the artwork’s ability to engage its audience and inspire action towards environmental preservation.
Antarctic Ice
Antarctic Ice is an interactive kinetic artwork showing the current state of the melting ice sheets in Antarctica, driven by data from NASA. Every hour, the iceberg will go back to its original shape and then melt away until it reaches a size that is representational of where the current measurement is when compared to 2002. If trends stay as they are, the iceberg will continue to shrink over time. When you approach the artwork, you can reveal the full iceberg by interacting with the piece, which will then once again melt back to its current state.
Billion Dollar Breakout
Ink and foil on flip-discs, software, camera, computer | Edition of 8 | 38 x 38 in (96.5 x 96.5 cm) | As a reflection on the convergence of art, technology, and cultural evolution, BREAKFAST created Billion Dollar Arcade to merge the humble origins of arcade games with their multi-billion-dollar status today. Much like how Pop Art legends like Andy Warhol elevated everyday objects to symbols of cultural significance, this series transforms iconic games into immersive experiences that comment on the video game industry’s staggering growth. Drawing on real-time stock market data, each piece—Billion Dollar Pong, Billion Dollar Breakout, and Billion Dollar Invaders—adjusts in difficulty with shifts in the industry’s valuation; the higher the value, the faster and more challenging the gameplay. By tracking your movements, the artwork allows you to control elements like paddles and shooters by shifting your body, forging an interactive connection between you and the piece. Through this fusion of past and present, I invite you to reflect on how these once-modest arcade games have evolved into powerful symbols within a global industry, highlighting the dynamic relationship between cultural artifacts and economic forces.
Billion Dollar Invaders
Ink and foil on flip-discs, software, camera, computer | Edition of 8 | 38 x 38 in (96.5 x 96.5 cm) | As a reflection on the convergence of art, technology, and cultural evolution, BREAKFAST created Billion Dollar Arcade to merge the humble origins of arcade games with their multi-billion-dollar status today. Much like how Pop Art legends like Andy Warhol elevated everyday objects to symbols of cultural significance, this series transforms iconic games into immersive experiences that comment on the video game industry’s staggering growth. Drawing on real-time stock market data, each piece—Billion Dollar Pong, Billion Dollar Breakout, and Billion Dollar Invaders—adjusts in difficulty with shifts in the industry’s valuation; the higher the value, the faster and more challenging the gameplay. By tracking your movements, the artwork allows you to control elements like paddles and shooters by shifting your body, forging an interactive connection between you and the piece. Through this fusion of past and present, I invite you to reflect on how these once-modest arcade games have evolved into powerful symbols within a global industry, highlighting the dynamic relationship between cultural artifacts and economic forces.
Billion Dollar Pong
Ink and foil on flip-discs, software, camera, computer | Edition of 8 | 38 x 38 in (96.5 x 96.5 cm) | As a reflection on the convergence of art, technology, and cultural evolution, BREAKFAST created Billion Dollar Arcade to merge the humble origins of arcade games with their multi-billion-dollar status today. Much like how Pop Art legends like Andy Warhol elevated everyday objects to symbols of cultural significance, this series transforms iconic games into immersive experiences that comment on the video game industry’s staggering growth. Drawing on real-time stock market data, each piece—Billion Dollar Pong, Billion Dollar Breakout, and Billion Dollar Invaders—adjusts in difficulty with shifts in the industry’s valuation; the higher the value, the faster and more challenging the gameplay. By tracking your movements, the artwork allows you to control elements like paddles and shooters by shifting your body, forging an interactive connection between you and the piece. Through this fusion of past and present, I invite you to reflect on how these once-modest arcade games have evolved into powerful symbols within a global industry, highlighting the dynamic relationship between cultural artifacts and economic forces.
Elements (Celestia, Aura, Aqua, Fiamma)
Ink and foil on flip-discs, software, camera, computer | Edition of 50 | 53 x 3 x 2 in (134.6 x 7.6 x 5.1 cm) |Elements explores the ever-shifting interplay of our environment’s elemental forces through the lens of real-time data. This series—comprising Celestia (clouds), Aura (wind), Aqua (waves), and Flamma (temperature)—translates the rhythms of nature into dynamic, living artworks. Each piece serves as a mirror, reflecting the pulse of a specific city’s climate, its quiet changes, and its intensifying extremes. The works act as poetic meters, capturing the ephemeral beauty and raw power of our natural world. As you stand before them, they awaken—reacting, amplifying, and drawing you into their narrative. These pieces challenge us to move beyond passive observation, reminding us of our interconnectedness with the forces that both sustain and threaten our existence. They are at once a celebration and a warning, a visceral call to engage with the world we shape and are shaped by.